Well this week started out pretty nice I must say. Despite the fact that I sound horrible, cough a lot and use plenty of tissues it's been a good week. Thankfully I'm slowing down with the tissue count. We had two great services Sunday. I spent the afternoon clipping coupons and working on my Bible lesson. Derek spent it finishing up his studying, he is teaching the Adult class this quarter. All three kids took a good nap. Whew! We did eat lunch at a new Mexican restaurant call Las Agave's. It was just as good as our favorite here in town, Las Maracas. I'm sure we will go back.
Monday I went to the doctor. I told her of my list of ailments, migraines, digestion issues and a head cold that I thought had turned into a sinus infection. Thankfully I was wrong. She prescribed Zyrtec for my head, Nexium for my digestive issues and some Mat-a-somethin' for my migraines. I'm to take it when one starts. I can't say for sure the Nexium is working. I'm supposed to take it once a day before my largest meal. However my mother has done lots of research and says I really shouldn't take it if I don't have too. So instead I am chewing Papaya. It's a dietary enzyme I purchased at the local Health Food Store. It tastes like mint and I chew 3 around each meal time. (I'm not sure what the bottle says, but this is what I do) Anyway. I did take the Nexium Tuesday night when I starting having all the gas in my chest again. I also took the Papaya. So far so good. Let's hope the Papaya does the trick and I don't have to be on Nexium.
As you all know, if you read the previous posts, I've been very busy picking patterns, fabrics and sewing that adorable new bag. I'm very, very excited about it!!!! Now if only the ordering process actually WORKED on the website. If any of you know a website designer that is good and won't go poof hook me up! Girl is havin' issues, if you know what I mean.
I've been asked about making diaper bags and I have found a cute pattern. Here it is:
Diaper Bag Pattern All you mommas out there share your thoughts. We still have got to come up with a new line of names to go with all the new bags I plan on adding. I need your help, my creative juices are dry in the name picking area. I also would like to offer one more fabric combination. I will be happy to post maybe 5 more and let you vote on your favorite? Let me know what you think. Even color combinations are fine and I can find some fabric combinations to include with those color combinations. Did that sentence even make sense? Oh well, maybe you got it.
I'm finishing up a cute burp cloth order from Stephanie H. Most of you know her and her adorable little girl. I'll post pictures of the adorable burp cloths when they are done. I'm also finishing up the big order for my friend Kelly.
Last night I managed teach the baby class without too many coughing fits. Let me say though, definitely NOT the best singing I've ever done. At least the babies aren't tellin'. Today was a busy day of sorts. My friend and neighbor, Leigh, had her gal bladder removed today, OUCH! I kept her two year old from 8-4:45 ish. He's sweet and bigger than Levi and not talking too much yet. Then again he doesn't have two older siblings talking his ear off! I managed to keep them from making each other black and blue over things like balls, toy computers and wooden puzzles. The real accomplishment came however when I got both of them down for a nap at the same time! And they both slept for over three hours! Yipee!!!! When Derek got home all four kids were playing, chicken fingers and okra were frying and apple dumplings were in the oven. BTW if you haven't tried
these you must!!! You cannot, I mean, CANNOT live your life without having tried them. They are phenomenal. And easy to boot! I can't wait to eat more, I'm holding back till tomorrow....... tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away...... Sorry I broke out in song there for a minute, Little Orphan Annie, right?
So on top of all this business this week I have to tell you about the biggest deal I got this week. Walgreens has Oscar Meyer Bacon on sale, 2 for $6. I had a coupon for 1.50 off of one package and another .75 cents off coupon. You also earned $1 RR (register rewards, walgreens money) when you made this purchase. So $6 - $ 3.25 = $2.75 for TWO Packages of bacon!!!! Whoo, Hoo! Sorry but I LOVE bacon, most especially good and cheap bacon!
So that's my week. How's yours been? Don't forget the ideas for bag names and color combinations!